“Refresh is the mandate behind our music,” said Psalmist Raine when we were talking about the title of her latest album release “ReFresh Worship Live 3: Fellowship of Sons & Brethren.” “God has stretched our audience beyond the assembly.”
I learned the history behind her unusual name Psalmist Raine, and it seems she was given one of her names and the other she came up with as a label of who she is. She later legalized both names.
“Everyone called me Rain all the time,” she said when I asked. “They’d say do (sing) an A or B selection (make it rain). I put Psalmist in front to give people the understanding that I’m more… than a song.”
Is she ever! Raine has so much going on I got tired just reading the list that makes up Psalmist Raine. Psalmist is an ordained Apostle at Life in Christ Family Worship Center; she host a podcast called “The Creatives’ Culture Podcast” (Charisma Podcast Network) that focuses on inventions and emerging pioneers; she is live on Facebook and Youtube for her morning show called “Morning Meets with God;” she is an author who recently published her third book titled “A Different Priesthood;” she launched the ReFresh Institute to educate through “biblical empowerment;” she is the leader of the ReFresh Team – a Praise and Worship group, and she is a Gospel singer/songwriter who has garnered a Billboard Top 20 Chart topper (peaked at #14).
“David, as king, modernized worship,” Raine explained to me about the birth of modern-day Praise and Worshippers.
When I asked where she and her ReFresh Team were praising and worshipping God next, she said, “We in a couple of places this Friday in Chicago. We are at the God Made Millionaires Conference; performing for Juanita Bynum at her event; in North Carolina next week, and in two weeks we will be at a conference in London.”
Such an amazing force Psalmist Raine is that she has been featured at Bishop T. D. Jakes’ MegaFest, The Word Network, TBN, Atlanta Live, The Harvest Show, and TCT. She has performed in the same shows with Jonathan Nelson, Jekalyn Carr, Todd Dulaney and Dr. Juanita Bynum.
Listen To Psalmist Raine On Apple Music
By Eunice Moseley
MS, MBA, MPhil, Ph.D
Syndicated Columnist
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