New Radio Single “One day at a time” By “R Jay”
Importer Of Excellence Inc, an entertainment company with Recording Artist R Jay released the Single “One day at a time” (Urban Adult Contemporary Radio Format).
Importers of Excellence Inc partnered with Devine Jamz Gospel Network and received a light rotation airplay campaign consisting of major commercial FM radio. The song is being marketed in the Urban Adult Contemporary format where stations such as WIMX / Toledo is a perfect fit. The song is also being marketed to test on the mixshow at stations such as WTYB / Savannah and KOKY / Little Rock. According to our first Mediabase report the song received spins from stations in the Urban and Urban Adult Contemporary Commercial FM Radio marketplace.
Mediabase commercial FM radio airplay reports list Importers of Excellence Inc, “R Jay” and song “One day at a time”.

Go Behind “One Day At A Time” By “R Jay”
One Day at A Time is asking every one of us not only to slow down or be patient, we are also being invited to observe, to feel, to take stock of the beauty of our experiences and relationships with the lives we live before they simply pass us buy or disaster strikes in some form or another leaving us often times with feelings of regret.
Life is very precious, much too short and before you know it, we are gone. Rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we are busying ourselves to achieve, it is important that we live life One Day at A time, which is a message that speaks volumes.