Antione T. Minor was born March 27th, 1985. He started doing music in 1997 under the name, The Captain Elite, in the hip-hop underground industry at the age of 12. He furthered his entertainment career by becoming a dual talent in 2005 as a model along with being a rap artist. From 1997 to May of 2009, he continued in the commercial hip-hop genre as well as modeling and developed a nice following. His internet views reached over the 100,000 mark over all of his various webpages. In the Spring of 2009 through a string of tragedies and life circumstances, he spent time alone with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, he has obtained a stronger relationship with God the Heavenly Father.
Surrendered And Confessed His Sins:

He gave up music, modeling and all of his fleshly desires and asked the Lord to show him the way. He started reading, fasting, praying, crying and diligently seeking the Lord’s face. After Antione felt he had died to all of his worldly desires and was stripped of everything, the Lord started restoring and rebuilding him. The Lord said to him, “I have given you a gift and spiritual gifts are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29), for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Antione realized that he couldn’t return God’s gift even if he wanted to so he began his new journey.
The Revelation:
The Testimony Series Begins:

He has been re-birthed as God’s Vessel. So now with the Lord Jesus Christ guiding him, he vows to fulfill his purpose in ministry and build a legacy for the generations to come. The personal scripture God’s Vessel stand on, is “if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2.21)
Official Website:
Christian And Gospel Music Marketing Promoter
Devine Jamnz Gospel Network February 5, 2014
General Manager of Marketing And Promotions – Gods Vessel music ministry presents a promising future as a Gospel Artist. The experience and his drive to share his talent is a credit to the kingdom of God. We were compelled to market and advertise his artistic abilities on a mass marketing distribution scale. We recommend Major Record Labels to Sign and push this Independent Artist without any reservations!
Website – (devinejamz.com) Email – support(at)devinemarketers(dot)com
Oakland Christian Music Examiner February 17, 2014
David Moore – Today, we have a special review of a Christian Hip Hop video from GODs Vessel. The video was released on September 26, 2012. This review was requested from our friends at the Devine Jamz Gospel Network, they promote Christian artists for an affordable love donation; so if you are a Christian artist, check them out.
Actvities, Recommendatios, and Events:
Silverhook Studios November 28, 2013
Praise 102.7 Gospel Artist Of The Season Detroit, MI September 13, 2013
GODs Vessel at Mega Fest 2013 Dallas, Tx August 30, 2013
Recommendation For GODs Vessel February 21, 2013
J. Michael Wallace – My purpose for responding to you tonight is very simple, I feel like the Holy Spirit prompted me to reach out and encourage you to Stay Strong in your Faith, Trust Him and keep true to your gift and God’s purpose for your life. Secular RAP has done untold damage to our Nation’s youth, and while they may be addicted to RAP without understanding the damage from the message, you can reach many of those with God’s Message and Your Music. You may have been given the last name of Minor, but through Christ you can deliver a MAJOR Message for the Lord. I pray that He will anoint you with His Wisdom and fill you with His Courage to live for Him and share your gift and His Purpose with the world.
Ministering at Back to the Bricks 2013 in Flint Michigan August 30, 2013
See video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxSec1dq8Vc
Recommendation By Tim Lamb March 25, 2013
Antoine “Gods Vessel” Minor is an awesome up and coming christian artist delivering the word of God in every song. You can still feel the street in his voice but the message is positive and motivating. I can’t wait to hear more of God’s Vessel in the future. Keep it positive and keep it real my brother and don’t ever forget to “pay it forward” in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Social Networks:
YouTube: www.youtube.com/GODsVesselMusic
SoundCloud Music: www.soundcloud.com/GODsVesselMusic
God Tube: www.godtube.com/godsvesselmusic
Others: Facbook Page Twitter Instagram