About The Event
Freelance Associates, a leading business strategist consulting company, is proud to announce the launch of its Journey to Success Webinar Series, in celebration of its 30th anniversary. The series will kick off with the "Journey to Success: A Systematic Review" webinar on March 11, 2023, powered by Zoom.
The Journey to Success Webinar Series will feature a lineup of expert speakers including Freelance Associates CEO Dr. Eunice Moseley, Magazine Publisher Dr. Lee Bailey (EURweb.com), Guest Lecturer Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs (MoreThanaFraction.org), and Pastor and Christian Radio Host Winston Grier (WGMinistries.com). The series is designed to inspire and motivate staff of organizations and companies, as well as individuals who attend or acquire the webinar package. Freelance Associates offers three admission choices that include admission to the live airing of the Journey to... webinar, a link to the webinar for later use, and a PDF file of it. Group packages are also available.
Event Presenters
The Journey to Success: A Systematic Review Webinar series will cover a range of topics including achieving success, overcoming setbacks and adversities, knowing your worth, and making money. Dr. Eunice Moseley, a Navy veteran, will discuss achieving success, while Dr. Lee Bailey, an Air Force veteran, will share insights on overcoming setbacks and adversities. Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs will talk about knowing your worth, and Pastor Winston Grier will provide tips on making money.
Dr. Lee Bailey is a radio personality who grew his on-air content and music into syndication to over 35 radio stations before launching his digital magazine, EURweb.
Pastor Winston Grier is a minister at The Church of the Living God in Georgia, a Christian radio host at 104.9FM’s Changing Our World, and author of "Making Money God’s Way."
Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs manages an award-winning artist, lectures on historical topics from the 18th century, and is the author of "More Than a Fraction: Based on a True Story."
Dr. Eunice Moseley, founder of Freelance Associates, is a senior business and public relations strategies and consultant. She is the coordinator of the "Uplifting Minds II" Entertainment Conference, celebrating 24 years and author of "Journey to Love: A Book of Poems" volume one and two and "Journey to Success: A Systematic Review."
Register On Eventbrite
The Journey to Success Webinar Series promises to be an enlightening and educational experience for attendees looking to enhance their knowledge of achieving success, overcoming setbacks and adversities, knowing their worth, and making money. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry experts. Click on link to register or click on the yellow button bellow and register for the Journey to Success Webinar Series today!
Free Attendance Opportunity
Devine Jamz Gospel Network have a limited number of free registrations for artists that purchased any of our marketing campaigns. Email Ray Oster or call our office at 832-834-3392 for free ticket availability.
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